Inclusive Upbringings

Creativity Lab

By creating access to inclusive environments and content for children, we give them the tools to challenge society’s damaging narratives from a young age, rather than focusing on undoing negative stereotypes later.

Working with educators, families and community organisations, this Creativity Labs has various projects that all focus on the power of stories to shape a child’s values at the crucial ages between 3-12. Working in partnership with everyone from community activists, to mayors, museums, publishers and libraries, this Lab stems from the original work of Ani’s World when it was a social impact business. The work continues, and we are excited about what’s to come.

Projects within this Lab

Rolmodellen Kaartenset

What? With funding from the Caty Asscher Award, and in partnership with 26 Dutch pioneers; from activists to politicians, athletes, singers and neuroscientists, we created this highly popular card set of Dutch Role Models.

Why? In order for children to get a broader view of ‘who can be a role model’ and ‘what can they do for a career’ people in the Netherlands often look to the USA. That’s because in Netherlands, the ‘role models’ that get the most air-time tend to be white, heterosexual, male and able-bodied. We wanted to highlight a broad group of Dutch BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, Disabled and female role models that children could relate to, so that it was clear that amazing role models look and sound like them, and that they too can become whatever they want to be.

Outcome? The cards were hugely popular. They sold in national museums across the country, got featured in the most popular lifestyle magazines, made their way into hundreds of homes and schools and started conversations about a similar product being launched in Belgium.

An Inclusive Library

What? With funding from the Rotary Foundation, and in partnership with the local community organisation; we curated hundreds of Dutch inclusive books for children age 3-11 to go into a local neighbourhood library in North Amsterdam.

Why? Children’s books are channels into their biggest dreams. But when they see the same characters leading the story again and again, this gives a powerful and demotivating message to children, regardless of their background. It says “only one type of person gets to lead the story, and that is probably not me”. Inclusive books change that; they open up all sorts of possibilities in children’s imaginations, and show them the sky is the limit.

Outcome? The books have been delivered to the library, which also now holds regular reading sessions to engage the children in reading and introduce them to all the books.

Audit of Dutch Books with Racially Minoritised Lead Characters

What? We are undertaking a pilot project to research the amount and quality of books that feature a main character from a racially minoritised group, published in the Dutch children’s book space.

Why? Our hypothesis is that although there has been some progress, it seems that the prevailing majority of books being published in the Dutch children’s book industry do not feature characters from racially minoritised groups as leading the story, and that these figures do not match up to the % of the Dutch population who identify as such. Furthermore, the depth and quality of representation can often be lacking.

Outcome? This project will soon be launched. At that point, more information will be added here.