Where we came from; where we’re going

Ani’s World began as a Dutch inclusive children’s book subscription box business, co-founded by Anne Mpaulo and Linzi Fidelin.

The mission was big, but simple:

“We want diversity to become the norm in every household we touch, and for our customers to be equipped with the tools to question the narrative society feeds them. The end goal is that this generation grows up to treat each other as full, whole individuals with no preconceived stereotypes." 

Anne Mpaulo and Linzi Fidelin, 2019.

4 years later, having shared thousands of books with children across the Netherlands, been featured on National Television, in multiple magazines and having won the Caty Asscher award for cultural impact; it was time for the next adventure.

Using her expertise in storytelling, and her passion for systems change; Linzi transitioned Ani’s World into a nonprofit, with the strategic support of her husband, Claude Fidelin.

Inspired by social impact agencies like Purpose, Linzi set up the first 2 Creativity Labs, and got to work.

The mission remains the same, except now - through partnerships and through the Creativity labs - it is applied across multiple industries. Using a variety of different methods of storytelling, Ani’s World now facilitates stories that create change where it matters most. We always work through partnership, and we never assume we speak for anyone other than ourselves.

“Our values lie in the agency of people to tell their own stories and make their own decisions about the change that affects them, and we are honoured to work with people across the globe to bring their stories to the masses.”

Linzi and Claude Fidelin, 2024.