Decolonising Development

Creativity Lab

International development is full of amazing people doing work with great intentions. However, there is a prevalence of colonial thinking and white saviourism in the space, which leads to - at best - damaging North/South stereotypes, and - at worst - danger and death of the people that are supposed to be served. We firmly believe that is it not until this colonial thinking has been acknowledged that it can be shifted, and that the industry cannot, and will not be successful until it has been outlawed completely. This lab is dedicated to bringing to light how and where this thinking exists, and where it manifests into behaviours. Ultimately, we want to drive action by global institutions that work in the South, so that they can start to engage in a completely different, ‘community owned’ style of development which puts the agency of the people being served at the core, and decenters the people that facilitate the transfer of funds.

Projects within this Lab

Making the Case

What? An collaborative document with people who have worked, or are working in ‘international development’ to highlight colonial thinking and the damage that it does. Pointing to examples of lived experience, as well as high level data, we will make the case that funders need to take action immediately to change the way that their recipient INGOs operate.

Why? Given that the power currently lies with donors, we will make the case for donors that we hope will drive action at their end, to start demanding change around specfic criteria with the INGOs that they fund.

Outcome? This project is in ideation phase. More information will be added here as it develops.